Running your own small business is tough. With the long hours and constant “go” of us crazy ones – finding time for introspection is a rare “indulgence”. Such times are usually when we are on holidays “winding down”. Such introspection turns to business and how we can improve.
Similarly as small business owners, we tend to neglect our own websites. Websites are like dishes. We tell the whole world that we diligently tend to them, whilst in reality we put them on the back burner and clean them up when we are expecting someone important to visit.
I’m a web developer and I am as bad as anyone. Kind of like the worst plumbed house in the street is owned by the plumber. I’ll spend all of my time making sure everyone else’s digital “pipes” sing.
So in this time of introspection, devote some time to your poor, neglected website. Ask yourself:
- When was the last time you updated basic information such as your products and services, or contact details?
- Have you recently updated the sites themes and plugins?
- What current, relevant topic can I write about? In fact when did I last write a post?
- Is my site easy to use from a customer perspective?
- What other functionality can I add for the customer or to make my life easier?
- Is my site up to current design and tech standards?
- How does it stand up to competitor sites?
- How is my site ranking for keywords? Have I set keywords? What are Keywords?
- Is my site fast and mobile friendly?
- Do my social channels link?
This list is not exhaustive – you have probably thought of another 5 whilst reading this.
A little attention could go a long way.
If you find that you are struggling to find the time, we can help.