Using Learndash to help take a face to face business online.
The onset of COVID meant that a lot of businesses had to reinvent themselves. OM Diettitan was no exception. They delivered a face to face Nutritional Bootcamp – which became against the COVID rules.
Olivia came to us with an idea to deliver everything that OM Dietitian was doing – online. This consisted of live “face to face” time, course notes, videos and recipes. All of this had to be wrapped up into a membership based system, where OM Dietitian could still make income. It was quite a challenge.
Starting with face to face time, we jointly arrived at a solution for a private social media group. Once the customer had signed up fro the Bootcamp, an auto generated email would give them intructins of what to do next – including joining the private group. Olivia would then check their names and emails against the applications to join the group.
Next was soliving the problem of video. We chose to work with Vimeo and use private videos – so that they were only available to those enrolled in the bootcamp. These videos were then embedded onto a page and the page locked behind a membership system.
Initially we used Ultimate Membership Pro for this purpose – however we found it was a little cumbersome for our needs. Eventually we switched to the Learndash learning management system (LMS) which structured the weekly course materials much better.
The course materials and recipes were delivered in PDF form – so we installed a PDF embedder into the site to allow for this.
Olivia was very happy – it meant that she didnt miss a beat with delivering bootcamps and thus keeping cash flow rolling.
We continue to work with Olivia on her website.

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